Bring back daily radio reviews to the Guardian!

Early this year, The Guardian cut its radio reviews from daily to weekly, and we said “booooooo, hissssss!” To that end, we’ll be sending this letter to the paper to ask that they reinstate the daily article.
UPDATE: Two hundred and fifty of you have added your names, by email, Twitter and in person as well as the comments below. We sent the letter on Tuesday 21 February 2012, and the Guardian’s REaders’ Editor responded thus.
If you add a comment now we won’t be able to add you to the letter – but your comments are valuable, so please feel free to keep adding them!

Dear Readers’ Editor,

We are writing to express our disappointment and concern at the Guardian’s recent decision to discontinue its daily radio reviews and radio coverage.

We would strongly urge the Guardian to reconsider, and to bring back a daily space for radio coverage in the paper.

We think that the decision to reduce radio coverage is unfortunate and short-sighted for several reasons.

Firstly, radio is the only traditional media form whose audience is consistently growing – unlike TV broadcasts (and print media).

According to RAJAR’s recent figures, 89 per cent of the UK population now listen to the radio*.

In short, Britain is a nation of radio listeners, and is becoming more so. The Guardian used to reflect this.

Secondly, our radio listening habits are changing in ways that make daily reviews more important and more useful than ever.

Through services like iPlayer, iTunes and ‘listen again’ features, modern radio listeners are more likely to seek out specific programmes to listen to, rather than just tune into a station.

Reliable, trusted daily reviews like the Guardian’s are more important than ever for this new kind of listening, helping people to find the best and most creative programmes, and avoid the dross.

Finally, the Guardian’s daily radio column was quite simply very, very good. We liked it, and we want it back.


*(NOTE: Original text updated to reflect latest RAJAR quarterly research.)