Paul Carr: The Fifth Runway Radio Tour

In late November Paul Carr spent a week in the Invisible Picture Palace, recording the sounds of the environment and writing the latest episode of his podcast “The Fifth Runway Radio Tour” (based in the fictional south-London district of Endwell).

Here are the working out takes:

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[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
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The finished piece will be up soon, but if you’d like to dip your toes in first, this is the opening extract from the original broadcast of The Switch. It embodies all the qualities unique to Endwell; a pub filled landscape populated by a range of disgruntled workers and misfits, driven by protagonist Paul Carr, local radio DJ, pre-occupied with both the trivial and acts of cultural and ecological vandalism committed in Endwell. He rents a room above one of the pubs, The Fifth Runway, currently under the threat of demolition.

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The Fifth Runway Radio Tour, episode 2: The Switch

First broadcast: 7am, 27/12/11, Sound Art Radio

You can hear from The Fifth Runway Radio Tour here>>