Friday 7th June: Sherre DeLys @ The Bell Pub
Audiophiles! We have a bonus treat for you this week as news arrived that the wonderfully talented producer and sound designer Sherre DeLys is in town (all the way from Australia)!

Sherre’s work has included sound sculpture and installation, improvised vocal music, sound designs for theater and film, radio art and documentaries. She has sportingly agreed to join us on Friday night, upstairs at The Bell Pub to play us some of her own work, as well as some of the work she admires (and a sneaky ear-preview tells us you’ll like it too!).

So! Come down and join us for a listen and a summery pint afterwards:

Tickets: Pay what you can afford (suggested £5)

When: Friday 7th June, doors 7.30 pm for 8.00pm start
Upstairs at The Bell
50 Middlesex St
E1 7EX