HearSay Events
4th – 7th April 2019
Cinema and Wake

This April In The Darks London and Bristol will be travelling  once again to Kilfinane for the wonderful HearSay 2019.

In The Dark (Bristol) will be running the HearSay Audio Cinema throughout the festival while In The Dark (London) will be rounding the weekend off with the HearSay Wake (details below for how to get involved).

We hope to see you there!


Send us tape from your cutting room floor:

At the end of the festival In The Dark will be holding an Irish wake, but for audio – a piece of tape which didn’t make the final cut. You know the tape we’re talking about: it still excites you, you’ve tried many times to find a way for it to live, reworking it over and over. You still dream of one day making something with it. But, deep down, you know it’s time to let it go.

All HearSay participants are invited to bring a piece of audio to mourn. From raw recordings to elaborate edits that didn’t make the cut. There are no distinctions in our final moments. All of the Hearsay family are your mourners.

You will be invited to briefly tell the story of how the audio was captured, why you loved it, and why you had to leave it. Finally you will get to play that bit of beloved tape to the gathered crowd. You can of course show up on the day with your audio, but we would really like to have a few lined up in the hearse before we arrive.

Send audio of no more than 4 minutes to nina [at] inthedarkradio [dot] org