In The Air – Our Picks From The Week’s Radio, Audio and Podcasts: Splash

“It is not a dramatic way to die, it is an ugly painful way to die”
bridgeOne of the top 10 places to end your life, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge spans the mouth of Tampa Bay on the west coast of Florida. Splash, by independent producer Rich Halten, takes you to the top of that bridge and all the way down to the bottom in this gripping account of those that jump.

Beautiful and subtle sound design combines with compelling accounts – both from jumpers and those that must deal with the aftermath.

It may sound grim, but give it a go – there is, of course, some hope to be found in the depths below. As survivor Hanns Jones recounts:  “Somewhere between the top and the bottom a decision was made: a decision to stay alive”.

You’ll be with him all the way.

Splash will be airing on UnFictional, the story-telling show from KCRW in Santa Monica, California this evening at 19:30 – 20.00 Pacific time. You can also hear it online here>>

Rich Halten can be found at