In The Air – Our Picks From The Week’s Radio, Audio and Podcasts: Lebanon’s Missing
lebanon“Can I ask about the numbers?”

“Listen- I was expecting this question. One is similar to one thousand”

This is intensely intimate radio- unlike anything I’ve heard for a long time. Dalia Khamissy, a Lebanese photojournalist, returns to Beirut to try to discover what happened to some of the 17,000 people who disappeared during her country’s civil war.

She doesn’t exactly find an answer – but the conversations she has with victims’ families and the kidnappers themselves are completely different from ordinary current affairs reportage. There’s one man in particular, a former kidnapper and executioner, who seems to treat his interview with Dalia almost as a religious confession.

Have a listen – but, needless to say, some of the content is quite disturbing.

Leo Hornak