In The Dark Sheffield Audio Award Nominees Announced!

We  are proud to announce the nominees for the In The Dark Sheffield International Audio Award, chosen by our panel of esteemed judges, Jad Abumrad (Host/Producer, Radiolab, USA), Kari Hesthamar (Head of Radio Documentaries, NRK, Norway), Kaitlin Prest (Co-Creative Director, Audio Smut, Canada).

In alphabetical order:

Camp Sisterhood (Soeurs de Camp)

Produced by: Charlotte Rouault & Benoit Bories with sound mixing by Samuel Hirsch (Arte Radio)
Our judges were particularly inspired by the creative use of present-tense recordings to bring the past to life. They felt the “double exposure” of place and memory resulted in an almost cinematic quality, while the sound design suggested the same surprising observations of its protagonists: that beauty may be found in the most unlikely places.

Everything, Nothing, Harvey Keitel

Produced by: Pejk Malinovski for Falling Tree Productions (BBC Radio 3, Between The Ears)

The unusual setting of this documentary – in the producer’s head – was a source of delight and inspiration to our judges. Although a heavy conceit, an irreverence and playfulness in the treatment meant that weighty and possibly unwieldy themes wove delicately around its structure. The result was light, poetic and profound.

Stig’s Teeth (Stig’s tænder)

Produced by Kim G. Hansen and Rikke Houd (24syv-documentar)
A strong expression of craft and creativity underpinned the comparatively pared-down production of Stig’s Teeth. Its two locations – the sitting room and the dentists chair – were masterfully woven together, allowing the raw and often uncomfortable  energy of the recordings to hit the listener on a visceral level. There was also a lot of creativity in the tape itself – a reminder to producers everywhere that sometimes intimate interviews can – and should – be conducted with a television on in the background!

A huge thanks to everyone that submitted – so many different entries from all over the world – it was a delight to listen. We will also be shortly announcing our official selection which will include the three nominees, as well as some of the other pieces that tickled our ears during the selection process – including two honourable mentions from the judges.

The winner will be announced on the evening of 12th June at the Sheffield Doc/Fest