After a successful launch night at The Hub in King’s Cross we are looking forward to hosting a number of events in association with Falling Tree Productions as part of the London International Documentary Festival from 29th April – 8th May 2010. Details should be confirmed by mid-February so do check back for updates!
2010 heralds the beginning of a new and exciting partnership between the London International Documentary Festival (LIDF) and In The Dark. Inspired by LIDF’s approach of encouraging conversation not just about film, but between different forms, styles and techniques of filmmaking, In The Dark will be hosting a series of events that will encourage audiences […]
David Waters is an audio producer with a background in journalism. He began volunteering with In The Dark in 2013 and has worked with Dark Room productions, producing two sound walks for Detour in 2015. David is interested in all forms of story telling, especially audio/radio.